Friday, October 29, 2010

Dover Castle and Dungeness

Two weeks ago (yes I'm that behind) I went with school to Dover Castle.  It was about 2 and a half hours from central London.  I slept most of the bus ride, as usual.  Dover Castle was built by Henry II in the 12th century.  It is situated on top of the white cliffs of Dover.  On the way back to London, we were able to drive below the cliffs to get a better look.
The castle was used as a major military stronghold until the 1950s.  There is a Roman lighthouse towards the higher part of the area as well as a church and chapel.  We toured through the Great Tower first.  Stone steps led different ways into other grey stone rooms and finally up to the rooftop which allowed for great pictures.  I can provide pictures but for more in-depth knowledge on the castle you're better off googling it.  Sorry!  Castles were never my thing...

In case you were wondering, there is a desert in the southern part of England.  Guess what's there?  Nothing!  We drove 40 minutes out of the way to see a seaside desert village that contained one diner, a bar, a lighthouse, a nuclear power plant, and a mini train which people use to commute to work somehow. 

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